Investing in
Earnings Growth
We Are Active Investors
WestEnd Capital’s core philosophy is to invest in areas of the market where earnings growth is accelerating.
We’re focused on alpha and absolute returns, not index-like returns.

What Makes Us Different
The companies and securities we buy for our clients are the same companies and securities we buy for ourselves and our families. The investment portfolio is made up of our best ideas.
Investment firms often charge fees to invest in ETFs, mutual funds, or broadly diversified portfolios that deliver index-like returns. We invest where the earnings lead us, which may mean deviating from the benchmark’s size, style, and sector parameters.
Clients have direct access to WestEnd’s portfolio managers, and we provide strategy updates at least once a month.
Since the formation of the current Investment Committee in 2017, WestEnd’s flagship Core Strategy has delivered more than double the annualized performance of the benchmark S&P 500 Index.

“I have worked with other investment management groups. It’s amazing how different WestEnd can be. There’s a lot of energy there, they are very creative and very thoughtful about positions they take. They know how to plug into emerging trends.”
Jerry K.
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